Monday 24 October 2016

Woman Military in Peacekeeping Area

Assalamualaikum and Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman

Today I just want to share about the roles as woman military in peacekeeping area. 

Some people think that woman in military just only needed to do the office work or support party for the military organizations. But actually, the woman in military plays big roles in critical zone such as war area and peace operation area.

Summer Camp Activity

Why the woman is needed in “that” area?

They can contribute to achieving sustainable peace and the improved wellbeing of women and girls in conflict-affected regions. The woman or children in “that” area feel more comfortable liaising and sharing information with female soldier rather than the man. 

The feeling, the behavior, the acting of the female soldier makes the population feels free and easy to share their experiences and feeling.

Drawing activity for the kids

Female soldiers can give better views and bring additional perspective in planning operations and in making key decisions, especially those affecting civilians, particularly women and girls. Some unique tactical skills female military bring to this field include screening of female civilians and conducting of house searches in areas where it is not culturally appropriate for men to enter private spaces.

Besides, the female soldier can provide treatment to those in need. Femininity as a woman will make the patient feel comfort and facilitating two way communications between the doctor and the patient.

Medical Assistant 

The activities that been conduct by the peacekeeper actually to give them some hope and happiness in their life. After gone through the nighmare at their own country and after losing their family and love one, at least there are still have people that can give them hopes. As a Malaysian, we have to appreciate and thankful to Allah swt because our country still been protected and we still can enjoy our life. That's all for now....mISS u Lebanon....

Saturday 8 October 2016

Percutian ke Pulau Perhentian Kecil

View dari Kincir Angin P.Perhentian kecil

Entri kali ni berkaitan percutian ke Pulau Perhentian. Ada dua rupanya...satu perhentian kecil satu perhentian besar.. Baru ku tahu. 3 hari sebelum pergi baru terhegeh2 cari hotel kat perhentian kecil..memang x dapat la. Semua travel agen kata penuh.. at last guna agoda, nasib ada tapi semalam RM480 di Tropicana Inn. Kenapa pilih perhentian kecil ek? Perhentian kecil ni yang ramai pelancong rupanya... happening siang dan malam. Kalau perhentian besar ni more to sapa nak privacy. Apa aktiviti kat sana?

1. Snorkeling - hanya RM70 seorang untuk 5 tempat snorkeling ( shark point, turtle point, coral, romantic beach dan rumah api) dan kg nelayan untuk makan tghari.

2. Diving - bersama instructor bg yg x da lesen RM 200 ada RM 80 kene pandai recce tempat.

3.  Hiking sampai kincir angin - kincir angin yg terbiar kat pulau ni. Jauh gak nak sampai atas tapi view dr atas memg cantik.

4. Pertunjukan orang api - ada orang main api kat long beach setiap malam.

5.  Jalan di kg nelayan - naik bot teksi drpd perhentian kecil sampai ke kg nelayan RM 2.. kat ni view mcm kampung biasa..

Bab makan tak yah risau..bersepah kedai makan tepi pantai... cuma mahal la sikit dari kedai kat rumah kita ni. Pastu nak ingatkan.. jgn lupa beli bekas plastik simpan phone. Boleh guna phone tu ambil gambar dlm air.. nk sewa mahal RM200 tak silap.

Cth plastik utk phone

View di Coral Beach

So itu saja yang dapat dikongsikan. Moga dapat membantu k.. adiossss..